
Fig 2. Qantas Airbus A380

Today in the modern world we use a range of technology to make our daily life easier and simpler. Internet, T.V, iPods, and laptops/computers are part of our modern life. Not only have they made our lives easier they have also brought us all closer together. 

Modern air travel has made it possible to easily and comfortably fly to another country or state. Most places are under a day away and many are even less than 4 hours flight. Air travel has created a large increase in the number of people visiting other countries to see family, conduct business and take holidays.

Fig 3. The largest cargo ship in the world from Mearsk, one of the largest shipping companies

Shipping has drastically changed since the days of steamboats and sailing boats. Shipping carries about 90% of international trade, this includes bulk cargos like moving oil from one country to the next and the transport of goods in shipping containers. Ocean shipping has affected businesses and consumers by making trade more efficient, allowing buying and selling of goods from around the world.

Fig 4. GPS satellite - the GPS network originally contained 24 satellites and became fully operational in 1994 

Satellite technology has allowed us to develop the GPS system. This equipment allows us to pinpoint an exact location, which makes it easier to find a route. GPS also allows us to track things for various reasons.

Telecommunications have also contributed greatly to the death of distance by making people feel like they are part of a global village. Fibre optic cables carry huge volumes of voice and digital information at the speed of light. This allows quick communication between people around the world. Video technologies like Skype allow people to videoconference around the world. Communication technologies make people feel like they are together.

Fig 5. Apple's Air Mac

Modern computers can handle large amounts of data and complex calculations quickly. These advances have made them relatively inexpensive and therefore allow many people to use them. Computers let people access the Internet and other forms of communication.

All of these technologies have raised the standard of living by making commerce between countries more efficient. Communication and transport technologies have made it quicker and easier for people to feel connected. These technologies have also helped the world feel more connected politically as was demonstrated in the recent uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt.

All of these advances in technology have accelerated globalisation and have led to the death of distance.