Individuals Communities and Countries

Globalisation has affected individuals, communities and countries in both positive and negative ways. Individuals, communities and countries are impacted in different areas including:
  • Political Structure: Historically communities had a local leader who was in charge of the whole community. Political influence comes from their own country as well as international organisations like NATO, the United Nations, the European Union, ASEAN and the G20.
  • Diet: Communities used to grow their own food and eat foods only known to the local community. In modern day times because of globalisation we have recipes for meals from all over the world. An example of this is spagetti bolognese which originated in Bologna, Italy and is now eaten all over the world. Today food is imported and sold all over the world. 
  • Religion and Beliefs: A community used to have beliefs that were developed locally and discussed in the local community. These beliefs influenced the whole community in all parts. People now all have different beliefs which are developed from international sources, the internet has been instrumental in spreading these ideas.   
  • Knowledge: Before globalisation a community's knowledge was locally developed and was limited to land they knew. Today knowledge is spread around the world. This means that people can collaborate to develop and share new knowledge. A village in the rain forest in Brazil can learn about  farming techniques that were developed in the rainforests of the Congo in order to help preserve the environment. 
  • Racial integration: Globalisation has made it possible for people to live with people from all over the world. Communities are much more racially diverse than they were before. For example the 2011 UK Census is avaliable in 56 languages. 
  • Contact with other Communities: Advances in transportstation have made it easier for people to see others even if they live far part. 
  • Arts: Through globalisation we are able to see different arts which are produced in many countries. This allows us to learn about other cultures. For instance we can watch movies which are made in other countries.
  • Sport: In modern times we have international competitions including the FIFA Football World Cup and the Olympics. This allows people to compete against other countries and promotes diversity in sport around the world. 

Fig 8. Racial Intergration